CICA 1993 April
CICA MS Windows - April 1993.iso
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CICA MS Windows CDROM, April 93 edition. Walnut Creek CDROM.
Desktop Apps, Screen, Image, and BitMap Files
path: \win3\desktop
aclock.zip Astronomy Clock: Mean/Greenwich/Loocal/Universal Time
adbricks.zip After Dark Screen Saver Module
amosdpak.exe Amos Draw Program
ants.zip Ants Scurry Around the Desktop
ball.zip Another Crazy Balls Screen Saver for Windows
ballsvr.zip Ball Screen Saver for Windows
blank.zip Yet Another Windows Screen Blanker
bmp2bgi.zip BMP->BGI Conversion Program
bmpld301.zip Random Bitmap Loader (ver 3.01)
bounce.zip AfterDark Screen Saver Module
bouncer.zip Win3.1 Screen Saver Module (with source)
bstar22.zip ButtonStar Button Bar Program (ver 2.21s)
capclock.zip Dynamic Caption Clock Display in Active Title Bar
cfgsave.zip Save Desktop Configuration
cloak10.zip Hides Unwanted Icons from View
clock41.zip Crito's Clock Ver 4.1
clock5.zip Configurable Analog Clock Display Version 5 (demo)
cman12a1.zip Clockman: Intelligent Alarm Clock for Windows (1 of 2)
cman12a2.zip Clockman: Intelligent Alarm Clock for Windows (2 of 2)
co39.zip Chez Otto 3.9: Windows 3.1 Menuing System
colpal21.zip Interactive 16/256 Color Palette Display
colrmast.zip ColorMaster: control desktop color schemes
cpixel.zip Two Pixel Screen Saver Modules (.scr) for Windows
crabs.zip Crabs Scurry Around the Desktop
cview097.zip Color View: JPEG/GIF/BMP Viewer for Windows
dbear.zip Dancing Bear Windows Screen Saver (.scr/vbrun200.dll)
desfun3.zip Bugs, Fried, Burst, Wiz, Eye, Face, Mole, Closer Apps
desk240.zip Desktop Tools For Windows 3.x
desknav.zip Metz Desktop Navigator for Windows
desktop.zip Metz Desktop Manager
deus.zip Mac-like Interface For Windows
dh14a.zip Desktop Helper: Windows Desktop Utility
dialer.zip Metz Telephone Dialer
digi99.zip Take a Scanned X,Y Plot and Digitize it (ver 0.99)
digitl.zip Yet Another Digital Clock
dirclimb.zip Replacement for progman and winfile: like a MAC desktop
drpdsk.zip Yet Another Drag and Drop Utility
dsktop.zip Desktop Bitmap Randomizer (10-31-92 ver)
dz15.zip Drag and Drop Files into PKZIP'ed Files
ekg21.zip Real-time graphical display of CPU usage
epqs.zip Eyes/Position/Qtime/Status Util for Windows
executor.zip Quickly Launch Windows Apps
explosiv.zip DOS/Windows Screen Blanker
fbsb41.zip FileBoy's Status Bar Application Ver 4.1
fedpro.zip Launch Frequently Used Apps from Pick List
fextnd15.zip Add Useful Tool Icons to FileManager
findr340.zip Adds task-switch icon to active title bar
fire54.zip Fireworks Screen Saver
foldsort.zip Arrange ProgMgr Folders Alphabetically on the Screen
fracpain.zip Fractal Paint 1.04
fracview.zip View the Mandlebrot Set
fracxtr4.zip Fractint Extras Collection for Fractint (large ver)
freemem.zip Metz Free Memory Utility
frxtrsm4.zip Fractint Extras Collection for Fractint (small ver)
gcp42s.zip Display, Manipulate, Convert Picture Files
gif2bmp.zip Convert .GIF Files to .BMP Files
gobrz.zip Go Bears Screen Saver
gonew11.zip Display Away Messages on Windows Screen
grabpro.zip GrabIt Pro Ver 3.1: Screen Capture Utility
graf10.zip Grafiti: Auto Change BMP at Regular Intervals
gwsw11b.zip Alchemy Mindworks Graphic Workshop for Windows
hider10.zip Hide Windows or Icons from Windows Desktop
hotpop.zip HOTPOP: Complete Pop Down Menu Kit
hotspot.zip HotSpot: Hot Screen Corners for Win3.1 Screen Saver
house200.zip Progman and Winfile replacement
hshl11.zip HalfShell: Minimal Replacement for Win ProgMgr
htspt1.zip HotSpot: Quickly Launch Frequently-Used Apps
icobr151.zip NeXT Like App Icon Docking Bar
imgcon.zip Image conversion utility works with File Manager
imgprep.zip ImagePrep: Graphics File Converter and Image Editor
imposter.zip Command Shell Enhancement for Windows
isomedia.zip ISOMedia Utilities for the Controlanel
jview090.zip JPEG Viewer for Windows
kbdock.zip AppBar Replacement for ProgMgr (vbrun100.dll req)
kc_res.zip Color Registration Codes for Windows
kdraw133.zip Kwikdraw: An Object Oriented Drawing Program
krunch.zip Liven up your windows with Kolor Kruncher MK IV
kswin.zip The Kitchen Sink AppBar AppLauncher
lathe151.zip MicroLathe/MiniMovie Image Program
layout.zip Automatically Arrange/Save Window Positions Util
leadview.zip JPG Image Compression/Decompression/Conversion
lens13.zip Lens 1.3 : A Windows Magnifier
launch11.zip Launch Programs from Desktop (3/92 ver)
li_bta.zip Prerelease PostScript File Viewer for Windows
li130.zip LI: File viewer/finder/editor/remover/printer,etc.
logogo31.zip Change your startup logo with this program
magic111.zip Magic Windows Screen Saver Version 1.11
makeover.zip Makeover for Win: Changes look of 2-D Win to 3-D
mandlb.zip Produces a display of the Mandelbrot Set
martin10.zip Martin Fractals, Windows 3.1 Screen Saver
mathgraf.zip Ver 2.4.1: Plot the Graph of User Defined Functions
mazespx.zip Maze Pattern for Screen Peace Util
mbar11.zip MenuBar Toolbar Version 1.1
mbw.zip Mandelbrot for Windows
mclock1.zip Clock/Alarm for Windows
meltdown.zip Meltdown Screen Module for AfterDark
metz_dn.zip Metz Desktop Navigator Util (ver 2.50)
metz_dt.zip Metz Desktop Util (ver 3.20)
miata.gif Miata GIF
miataguy.gif Another Miata Gif
missm.bmp Marilyn Monroe in 640x480 256 grey scale BMP file
mkh12spx.zip MKH (ver 1.2) Screen Peace Saver Module
morecn11.zip More Control: Enhanced Control Panel for Win31
morespx.zip Can of Worms/Life Saver SPX Files for Screen Peace
motorola.zip BMP of the Motorola Logo in 3-D w/ a marble backgrnd
mpegwin.zip MPEG Player for Windows
mpegxing.zip VTMotion Scalable MPEG Player
ms20b.zip Monitor Saver 2.0b Windows 3 screen blanker Util
mwfish.zip UL-Fish is an Aquarium Simulation for Windows
nail.zip Force a Window (nail it) to the Top of the Stack
navigate.zip Metz Desktop Navigator
newscren.zip System.Ini Rotator for Various Video Configs
newspxs.zip Two New Patterns (dragon, solids) for Screen Peace
nin1.zip Nine Inch Nails Album Cover (BMP)
nn_cpl.zip Collection of add ins to the Control Panel (ATM,etc)
np20.zip Button's Random Wallpaper Util (with C source) Ver 2.0
odbtn.zip BTNBAR.DLL: create buttons and button bars
pals.zip Windows Color Palette Exerciser
panic11.zip Windows 3.1 Sreen Saver Module
pcx2bmp.zip Convert PCX->BMP and back (vbrun200.dll req)
pholab10.zip PhotoLab, view and manipulate image files
pixch034.zip Map Each Pixel of a Small Bitmap Picture to a Character
pixf14.zip Windows Image Viewer and Catalog Manager
plsmabmp.zip Plasma Fractal BMP
pmm201.zip Add Custom Menus to Any Apps with a Menu
pprboy.zip PaperBoy: Random Presentation Utility of Wallpaper
prggrp11.zip Allows Groups within Program Groups
privater.zip BMP of Origin's upcoming Privateer game
profft.zip Transform BMPs via Fast Fourier Transfer
ps202.zip Paint Shop Version 2.02
pshape11.zip ProShape 1.1: A Paint Program for Microsoft Windows
pspro102.zip Paint Shop Pro Ver 1.02
punchavi.zip AVI Video Movie File
pwrstrip.zip Icon Bar App Launcher
pyrmd_lk.zip BMP of Landsat Image of Pyramid Lake, NV USA
qixspx.zip Another ScreenPeace Saver Module
qrunner.zip Simple File Launcher
qview.zip Quick file viewer - picture and text formats
resta22.zip Resta Powerful Windows Screen Saver
restrt10.zip Restart button for windows
rolisa02.zip Windows 3 program to draw Lissajous-type figures.
route122.zip Another Sophisticated Icon Bar App
runner.zip Double Click Desktop to Get Favorite App List
santascr.zip Santa Screen Saver
saver.zip Screen Saver (Randomly Displays Chinese Chars)
savers.zip Windows Screen Saver
savscrns.zip Collection of Windows Screen Blank Modules (.SCR)
scap11.zip Windows Screen Capture Utility 1.1
scavengr.zip Allow Drag/Drop Routines into a Trashcan
scribble.zip Scribbler/Doodle Pad for Windows
scrnac12.zip Activate Windows Screen Blanker with Hot Spots
scrpe12.zip New Screen Peace Windows3 Screen Saver Util
scrutl91.zip {S,V,E}GA Screen Blanker Util Ver 9.1 (was egautil)
shf12spx.zip Screen Shuffler SPX File (ver 1.2) for Screen Peace
shoot12.zip Shoot!: Yet Another Screen Image Grabber
seashl08.zip SeaShell Program Launcher and Status Display Util
serpent.zip BMP of Origin's upcoming Ultima 7: Serpent's Isle game
sizeit.zip SizeIt Util Make Apps Remember Window Size/Position
sizer110.zip Sizer Remembers Windows Size/Position
slpman12.zip Sloop Manager: Complete Graphical Replacement ProgMgr
snagit16.zip SnagIt Ver 1.6 Screen Capture/Print Utility
snapsh17.zip Screen Snapshot Utility
sperm.zip Sperm - a Screen Peace SPX for Mircosoft Windows
spx_logo.zip Personal LOGO Saver extension for Screen Peace
spextn.zip Package to Create Screen Peace Saver Extensions Util
spinner.zip Spinner SPX Module for Screen Peace
sprclk.zip SuperClock: The "Definitive" Alarm/Clock System
spx2.zip New SPX Graphic Images for the New Screen Peace Util
ss14.zip Yet Another Screen Saver (version 1.4)
ssblind.zip Screen Saving "Blinds" for Each Window
sscorp14.zip Screen saver lets you use your own .bmp logo
st20.zip Stickies!, popup "sticky notes"
stars.zip Moving Stars for Windows Background
startrek.zip Five BMP Sequences from Star Trek
stat30.zip Date, time, free memory, percent of "system resources"
statln26.zip StatLine: mode, day, date, time and freemem
stkynote.zip Sticky Notes Util for Windows
stm201.zip Super Task Manager: Replacement for Win Task Mgr
syscolor.zip Change the 256 colors from 256,000 color pallette
tchao31a.zip Time and Chaos: Appt/Cal/Phonebook Util for Win
tclk106.zip Talking Clock for Windows
term20.zip Terminator: An Electronic File Shredder
textanim.zip Animated Text: Moving Message Display for Windows
thetrash.zip Yet Another Trashcan Utility for Windows
timefram.zip Digital Clock for the Topmost Window's Caption Bar
timepict.zip Cosmic Wristwatch BMP/GIF
tip151_2.zip TIP for Appbar (requires bwccdll.zip)
tits.zip The Interactive Task Switcher Utility
tlbar101.zip Drag-and-drop toolbar and shell replacement
toilet.zip Mac-like Trashcan Utility
topdesk.zip Virtual Windows for Windows
tracan.zip Mac-Like Trashcan Utility (w/sound)
tracks11.zip Windows Screen Saver Module
trashcan.zip Mac-Like Trashcan Utility
turtle.zip Teenage Mutant Ninja Bitmaps
uclp14.zip UltraClip: Clipboard Extender (OLE aware)
utl105.zip Clean, Closer, Run, Win 3 Utils to manage your desktop
vdt011a.zip Virtual desktop, group manager(nice toolbar), dsk mgr
vgacolor.zip Allows Selection of 16 Colors from 262,144 Pallette
vhold.zip Module for AfterDark Screen Saver
vt.zip Virtual Tablet Interfac: high performance digitizer
waaplay.zip AAPLAY.DLL: play Autodesk Animator Animation Files
wallpeep.zip WallPeeper: Wallpaper Manager
wallppr.zip Miscellaneous Homemade BMPs
wb21.zip WAV/BMP Randomizer
wecj.zip Fast .JPEG viewer for Windows
wgalry04.zip Wallpaper Gallery BMP Randomizer
wildspx.zip Wild Forest and Sky in the Night ScreenPeace modules
win_view.zip Collection of small image viewers, various formats
winclk12.zip Clock in the Caption Bar of the Active Window
winblank.zip Win3.x Screen Saver for Toshiba Laptops
windiary.zip Combination Calendar/Diary
windim12.zip Windows SVGA Screen Dimmer (Blanker)
wingif14.zip WinGIF: View GIF Files
wininit.zip Init Desktop from list of apps/window sizes in WIN.INI
winjp160.zip Windows JPEG File Viewer
winman.zip Float, Sink, and Exit Windows
winmodem.zip Status Lite Display Util for Internal Modems
winpak1.zip Collection of eight animated screen savers (.scr)
winptr.zip Configure Windows Pointer (PCMag)
winres.zip Change Your Multisync's Resolution On-the-fly
winsaver.zip Restore Windows Session as You Left It
winwal.zip Windows BMP Wallpaper Loader (vbrun200.dll req.)
winwall1.zip A Collection of 40+ BMP Patterns
wmagic.zip Easily Assign Icon to PM Group or Application Icon
wp_spx.zip Yet Another ScreenPeace Saver Module
wpost32a.zip PostIt Notes for Windows Version 3.1a
wrksft16.zip WokShift Graphical Virtual Desktop (ver 1.6)
wspace.zip Virtual desktop for Windows
xvtdraw.zip Drawing Program
yak101.zip Talking Clock for the Desktop
zipapr12.zip Zip Paper: Displays Random BMPs